Chill Project
Understanding the changing significance of local places in young people’s lives in the context of social change.
Funded by the Nuffield Foundation, Children’s lives in changing places (CHiLL) is a participatory research project with young people aged 10-15 that seeks to understand the lives of children growing up in less advantaged contexts and the factors affecting that to inform positive social change.
The project is being undertaken as part of the Global Growing up in Cities project involving projects worldwide engaging young people in researching and improving their neighbourhood Growing Up In Cities | Deakin

The project is about finding out where young people like to spend their time, what affects their lives, what opportunities does the local environment afford and how they can help make decisions about their local area.

Meet the Team
The CHILL team are based across the University of Huddersfield, the Open University, and the University of Lincoln.

Click here to read the latest news from the Chill Project

Resources and Outputs
We look forward to sharing resources and outputs from the Chill Project with you here.