Research Clusters

Research Clusters

Two children wrapped in blankets looking out of a window

Rethinking Child Protection

Cluster Lead: Brid Featherstone

Aerial view of a housing estate with blocks of flats in the background

Healthy Housing Initiative

Research lead: Phil Brown

Young woman with a megaphone taking part in a political protest

Child/Youth Participation & Democratic Engagement

Cluster Leads: Dr. Andy Mycock and Prof Barry Percy-Smith

Two cups of coffee being held on a table by two pairs of hands; one male one female, suggesting a coffee date of some sorts

Gender & Sexuality

Click here to explore our research on Gender & Sexuality.

Smiling black person standing outside

Intersex Studies

Research Lead: Surya Monro

Close up photo of a young black girl's face

Ni3: Preventing Gender-Based Violence

Click here to learn more about the work of the None in Three Research Centre

Image of a section of a globe, focused on Europe

Migration, Displacement and Resettlement

Cluster Lead: Kate Smith

Two young people looking at a computer screen

Social Enterprise

Cluster leads: Jamie Halsall and Mike Snowden

Collage of words and images on a white background relating to health and wellbeing

Creativity, Health and Wellbeing

Research lead: Barry Percy-Smith

Young people sitting around a bench on laptops. They are laughing and look happy. Maybe they really are happy? Who can tell.

Young People, Place and Wellbeing

Research leads: Barry Percy-Smith and Kate Smith