Child Protection & Welfare Inequalities Research

Lead: Professor Brid Featherstone (


The Centre has over 20 years of experience in child protection research and has developed an extensive portfolio of leading edge research. Much of this work has been conducted in projects working closely with policy and practice partners. Current research priorities focus on Rethinking Child Protection, Politics of Child Protection and Social Work, Child Care Policy and Practice, Adoption, Fathering, Parental Support, Child Neglect, Social Work Education, the experiences of Children Looked After and Leaving Care and Welfare Inequalities. The Centre also has an international profile for its research on child abuse, exploitation and domestic violence; child and family migration and child and parents living apart; information on these areas are provided separately. The centre is also host to the UK Register of Child Protection Research developed by Bernard Gallagher (UK Register of Child Protection Research) and its associated Twitter account @UKRCPR