Logic Programming and Legal Reasoning

LPLR 2023


London, United Kingdom

July 9 2023 


Aim and Scope of the Workshop

Representation of legal rules and reasoning over them is a critical application area since laws and regulations are used in almost all human activities. Furthermore, corpora pertaining to laws and regulations are typically complex and enormous in size, and experts are usually needed in order to apply legal reasoning in everyday life. Thus, automating reasoning over legal documents by means of applying logic programming can speed up a process that is laborious and time consuming.

The aim of the workshop is to give the opportunity to legal experts and computer scientists to present recent research results and discuss related ideas on this particularly active area of research.


Topics of Interest

The workshop is open to both theoretical and application contributions regarding the use of Logic Programming towards solutions in legal reasoning, indicatively related, but not limited to the following themes:


Important Dates

The reference time-zone for all deadlines is Anywhere on Earth (AoE) UTC-12. Your submissions will be on time so long as there is still some place in the world where the deadline has not yet passed.



08:30-09:30: Keynote by George Baryannis

"Scaling up Legal Reasoning: From Logic Programs to Large Language Models"

09:30-10:00: Ha-Thanh Nguyen, Randy Goebel, Francesca Toni, Kostas Stathis and Ken Satoh.

“How well do SOTA legal reasoning models support abductive reasoning?”

10:00-10:30: Guilherme Paulino-Passos, Ken Satoh and Francesca Toni.

“A Dataset of Contractual Events in Court Decisions”

10:30-11:00: Coffee Break

11:00-11:30: Kumar Manas and Adrian Paschke.

“Legal Compliance Checking of Autonomous Driving with Formalized Traffic Rule Exceptions”

11:30-12:00: Ha-Thanh Nguyen, Francesca Toni, Kostas Stathis and Ken Satoh.

“Beyond Logic Programming for Legal Reasoning

12:00-12:30: Panel Discussion


Submission Details

Submissions should be 7-14 pages in PDF format, including abstract, figures and references, and according to the CEUR-WS template (single column). The reviewing will be single-blind. All submissions will be made electronically through the EasyChair conference system.

At least one of the authors will be required to register and attend the ICLP conference to present the paper in order for it to be included in the workshop proceedings.


Workshop Co-Chairs

Dr. Ilias Tachmazidis (i.tachmazidis@hud.ac.uk)

School of Computing and Engineering

University of Huddersfield, UK

Dr. Sotiris Batsakis (s.batsakis@hud.ac.uk)

School of Computing and Engineering

University of Huddersfield, UK

Dr. Livio Robaldo (livio.robaldo@swansea.ac.uk)

Hillary Rodham Clinton School of Law

University of Swansea, UK

Dr. Emmanuel Papadakis (e.papadakis@hud.ac.uk)

School of Computing and Engineering

University of Huddersfield, UK

Dr. Adam Wyner (a.z.wyner@swansea.ac.uk)

School of Mathematics and Computer Science

University of Swansea, UK