What is a Mathematical Hackathon?

At a mathematical hackathon academic mathematicians work in groups on problems brought by industry. Mathematics is an incredibly general toolkit so all sorts of questions can addressed at these conferences. Examples of questions that have been investigated at similar events organised by members of the centre include:

The day begins with presentations by industrial partners on the problems they would like to see addressed. Mathematicians then break up into groups to work on those problems, working closely with the industrial partners. At then end of the day preliminary results are reported and afterwards contact is made with the industrial partners to discuss possible follow-ups. 


How can Mathematical Hackathons help?

The format is great for brainstorming challenges where the aim is to get lots of different suggestions about ways to approach a problem.

Working with academic mathematicians can be a great way to get access to new ideas and approaches - often developed in very different contexts.

They are also a great way to "try out" mathematics without making a large commitment.  The commitment in this case is only one day, after which a decision can be made about whether or not to continue a collaboration.  


Are you interested in participating?

The event will take place on 30th April 2019 at the University of Huddersfield's newly built Oastler building which houses state-of- the-art conference and meeting facilities. This building is in the heart of the University campus and next door to the University’s catering facilities. The nearest hotel is across the road and the train station is about 10 minutes away on foot.

If you would like to take part in this event please email sce-marketing@hud.ac.uk

Our sponsors


* This work/workshop/initiative was supported by COST Action TD1409, Mathematics for Industry Network (MI-NET)