Applied Criminology and Policing Centre


Welcome to the Applied Criminology and Policing Centre, located in the Department of Behavioural and Social Sciences, at the University of Huddersfield.

Since its establishment as a dedicated research centre at the University of Huddersfield in the early 1990’s, the Applied Criminology and Policing Centre (ACPC formerly known as the Applied Criminology Group led by Professor Ken Pease) has cultivated a strong track record in delivering high quality crime and policing related research, consultancy, teaching and training. The word ‘applied’ is at the core of what we do as our research is always of practical relevance to police, practitioners and policy makers, working within the crime, policing and criminal justice fields.

Professor Jason Roach is the Director of the ACPC. Jason is a Chartered Psychologist and has co-authored four books, nine book chapters, and written over 25 research papers on topics including; Self-Selection Policing, investigative decision making and criminal investigation, counter-terrorism, reducing crime using nudge psychology, and many other wider policing and crime issues. He is also Editor-in Chief of the Police Journal.

Dr Melanie Flynn is a Deputy Director of the Applied Criminology and Policing Centre. Melanie is a senior lecturer in Criminology and Policing and course leader for the MSc Criminology and Evidence-based Policing. Her research and publications focus on crime prevention, crime analysis, evidence-based policing, and green criminology (environmental and animal-related crimes and harms). Melanie has experience in research project management and mixed methods research, with a particular focus on policy and practice relevant outcomes. She has previously worked as a police crime analyst (Sussex Police) and an academic research fellow embedded within a police force (West Midlands Police and UCL). She is a founding member of the International Green Criminology Working Group and sits on the Research Advisory Committee of the Vegan Society UK.

Dr Calli Tzani  is a Deputy Director of the ACPC and a Senior Lecturer in Investigative Psychology. Dr Tzani has expertise in criminal psychology and has an extensive publication record on various crime related areas, including school bullying, cyberbullying, cyber-fraud, cybercrime, sextortion, terrorism, wellbeing, and many other areas related to psychology and crime. Dr Tzani is a fellow of the Higher Education Academy, and is a member of several advisory bodies, including the Institute on Crime and Criminal Justice Policy, European Public Law Organisation (EPLO) as well as the Forensic Editor of the BPS magazine ADM. 

For further information in relation to ACPC,  please email Jason (, Melanie ( or Calli (

About the Centre

We have expertise in many areas relevant to understanding and responding to crime.


Publications and other research outputs


Staff member profiles for the Applied Criminology and Policing Centre


The work of the Applied Criminology and Policing Centre explores patterns of crime and disorder.

Centre News

Centre news and events.


Projects performed within the Applied Criminology and Policing Centre

External Relationships

The Applied Criminology and Policing Centre has established strong working relationships with a host of external organisations.