Find out about the areas covered by our research activities

Isolation and characterisation of microbial polysaccharides
The impact and importance of the microbial polysaccharides generated by both probiotic and pathogenic microorganisms is determined by their chemical structures. At the University of Huddersfield we have developed a range of novel isolation techniques for high purity polysaccharides which allows the characterisation of these structures and their associated biochemical and immunological properties.
Purified polysaccharides are characterised using a range of analytical techniques including high-field NMR spectroscopy, linkage analysis and mass spectrometry. These approaches provide high purity compounds for down stream analysis such as immunological studies.

Cellular impacts of probiotics
The interplay between the gut microbiota, our intestinal epithelial cells and the associated immune system is crucial for our health. In order to understand the role that probiotic microbes play in maintaining a healthy body the University of Huddersfield has established a range of 3D cellular models that mimic as closely as possible the in vivo characteristics of gastrointestinal tract. These model include both epithelial and immune cells which allows the evaluation of probiotic microorganisms and their products in a high through put simulated gut environment.
The overall aim it the provision of a testing pipeline that will allow us to understand the mechanisms by which probiotics exert their positive effects on host cells and therefore improve health and the quality of life in general.

Probiotic Microbiology
In order to study probiotic microorganisms it is essential to be able to successfully isolate, characterise, culture and manipulate these organisms.
The microbiology team at the University of Huddersfield has extensive experience of working with probiotic organisms such as Lactobacilli and Bifidobacteria and common pathogens such as Candida, C. difficile and a range of Enterobacteriaceae. This experience includes the development of a bespoke media that optimises the production of bacterial polysaccharides without the common contaminants seen in commercial media that prevent effective EPS characterisation.
The extensive anaerobic culturing facilities available at Huddersfield mean that strict anaerobes such as Bifidobacteria can be cultured and isolated with ease. These extensive culturing capabilities are backup with molecular characterisation techniques that range from community analysis of the microbiome to the whole genome sequencing of individual isolates.

Probiotic food and drink
The interest in probiotic foods such as Yoghurt has been growing in recent years through their potential contribution to digestive health. More recently a range of other fermented products such as Kefir, water Kefir and Kombucha have been receiving considerable attention as potential healthier options to conventional beverages.
The University of Huddersfield team have considerable expertise in the analysis of these products for their microbiological, nutritional and immunological characteristics. We are able to provide community analysis and the identification of the key fungal and bacterial species central to these novel products.

Infection control and disinfection
We provide an industry focused service centered on the testing and development of disinfectants, biocidal products and antimicrobial agents. Our standardised testing portfolio (EN, ATCC etc) provides a platform for rapid product development and analysis.
Where standard testing does not meet your need, we also have a track record of delivering bespoke research projects from small scale studies to long term research projects.
The University of Huddersfield team has extensive experience in researching:
- Sporicidal products especially targeting C. difficile,
- Biocidal wipes under real word conditions,
- Biofilms and antibiofilm technologies,
- Wound care and antimicrobial dressings.