A workshop with GUY DARTNELL
Tue, 08 Mar 2016 15:01:00 GMT
Hosted by the Centre for Psychophysical Performancce Research
Saturday 27th February 1000-1800
Sunday 28th February 1000-1700
Cost: £50 (Some part or whole bursaries available)
Limited numbers so early booking advised.
For bookings and further information contact Franc Chamberlain at f.chamberlain@hud.ac.uk
Meditation/mindfulness is a growing area of interest across many fields. It throws up interesting questions around the nature of identity and the way we attach ourselves to our thoughts. From a creative point of view, in it’s different adaptions, it provides a bountiful route into self-awareness and feeling connectivity, enabling access to internal qualities, ideas, processes and emotional states that can be the inspiration for both epic and intimate vocal-physical expression. On the other hand it also suggests and encourages a more aloof relationship to these aspects, implying that the greatest creativity is in the act of choiceless listening itself, with expression as a potential interruption to the deepening experience of pure listening observance.
In this workshop we will be looking into these notions, investigating the paradoxically contradictory and complimentary pulls between meditation, personal expression and
performance. To do this we will blend internal and external meditations, with voice-movement work, working from the extremes of stillness and silence through to highly dynamic vocal-physical states of emotion. Along the way we will look at:
The creativity of listening and observing.
Micro and macro.
Active and non-active responses to impulse and experience.
Following the collective workshop focus or opting for a temporary alternative personal trajectory.
The workshop is designed for those who are interested in both expanding their experience of voice-movement integration and meditation and exploring how the two may or may not link
together. It may be of particular interest for those who have questions about their role as creative artists and are looking to rediscover it or find a different direction, as well as for people simply interested in using creative and meditative processes to get to know themselves better.
Guy Dartnell is a UK-based inter/national award winning performance artist. He is the co-director of Oogly Boogly and is an associate artist with Improbable and Lone Twin Theatre. Among various influences are the psychophysical extended voice techniques of the Roy Hart Theatre, fooling, Process Work and the work of healer Hilmar Schonauer.