7:30 PM, 21 March 2014 to 11:59 PM, 21 March 2014 at Milton studio 1
Friday 21 March at 7.30pm
Milton Theatre, Studio 1
Tickets: £12 / £6 (Concessions) / £3 (Drama students)
For further details and to book please contact miltonboxoffice@hud.ac.uk
Neither the greatest nor the most exciting piece of theater you'll ever see, Peter Brook's production of The Grand Inquisitor is something else: a great moral event. This happens so rarely in the theater that it can only count as a blessing. Whatever sort of theater you prefer, you need, every so often, to clear the palate, to get rid of all the accumulated tastes and flavors and fripperies, simply to sit and think.
Listening closely to Mr. Myers, a frequent collaborator of Mr. Brook, is not a hardship; nor is watching him. His voice is as carefully cadenced as a Bach cantata. His long, candle-like fingers — dead white against the black coat he dons to become the Inquisitor — weave an austere counterpoint to what he is saying. (When a finger or a voice is raised, it’s a big deal.)