At the Global Disaster Resilience Centre (GDRC), we promote different categories of research:
- Applied research (is original work undertaken primarily to acquire new knowledge with a specific application in view)
- Basic research (directed toward greater knowledge or understanding of the fundamental aspects of phenomena)
- Blue sky research (scientific research in domains where "real-world" applications are not immediately apparent)
- Practice research (a form of academic research which incorporates an element of practice in the methodology or research output)
- Experimental Development (Systematic work, using existing knowledge gained from research or practical experience for the purpose of creating new or improved products/processes)
The Centre’s expertise includes (but is not limited to):
- Disaster resilience from the perspective of the social/political, economic and physical sciences, and across national boundaries
- Critical social, economic, and physical factors that enable a system, community or society potentially exposed to hazards to maintain an acceptable level of functioning and structure
- Action-orientated metrics and underpinning data standards associated with resilience to natural hazards
- New mechanisms to input planning and designing solutions that help create a resilient community
- Understanding disaster risk
- Development of innovative national and local policies and practices for disaster risk management
- Strengthening governance to manage disaster risk
- Preparedness for response, recovery and reconstruction – “Build Back Better”
- Early warning and preparedness systems
- Contingency planning and resource management
- Private sector engagement in the development of disaster resilience
- Business cases for investment in disaster resilience
- Public private partnerships in disaster risk reduction
- Capacity building for disaster mitigation and reconstruction
- Project management for disaster mitigation and reconstruction
- Risk management and sustainability
- Post-conflict reconstruction
- Stakeholder management and corporate social responsibility
- Community engagement and participation in reconstruction
- Social impact of reconstruction
- Empowerment of women and other vulnerable groups
- Role of women in mitigating and managing disasters
- Knowledge management and integration
- Disaster waste management
- Public policy, governance and procurement
- Improved disaster resilience through social media interaction
- Community maturity for improved disaster resilience