Centre staff work closely and actively with a number of external practitioners, academics, and organisations. For example:
Visiting Research Fellow, Nicolás Núñez, has a long-standing relationship with Drama at Huddersfield, dating back to 1996 and documented in the Núñez Archive. http://www.hud.ac.uk/research/researchcentres/cppr/projects/nunezarchive/
Dr. Don Weed of the Interactive Teaching Method of the Alexander Technique is a regular collaborator with Dr. Deborah Middleton. A recent project involved utilising an Alexandrian approach to the energetic positions of Nicolás Núñez’s dynamic, Olmeca. http://www.alexandertechnique-itm.org/
Visiting Professor Phillip Zarrilli’s company, The Llanarth Group, performed Told By The Wind as the centre-piece of the 2013 conference, Psychophysical Performance as Mindfulness Practice. http://www.phillipzarrilli.com
The 2013 conference also featured Martyr Red, performed by Visiting Professor Frank Camilleri who also presented a workshop. https://www.um.edu.mt/profile/frankcamilleri
In 2014, the Centre appointed Prof. Aleksandar Sasha Dundjerovic from University College Cork as a Visiting Professor. www.ucc.ie/en/drama
Professor Laura Bond from the University of North Carolina–Asheville, and Dr. Jessica M Beck (unaffiliated), are collaborators with Eric Hetzler on the Alba Emoting project.
DUENDE is an international collaboration between performers committed to ensemble physical performance. The company's work is based on the training developed and taught by John Britton (Self-With-Others), a former full-time member of the Centre and now Associate. Dr. Eilon Morris is an Associate Director with Duende.
Professor Lee Worley, Naropa University (Colorado) is collaborating with Deborah Middleton on a co-authored paper on Contemplative Performance.
Prof. Daniel Pla of the University of Santa Maria, Brazil, is collaborating with Franc Chamberlain and Deborah Middleton on a Panel entitled Buddhist Mindfulness and Performance Practice for the International Symposium of Contemplative Studies in Boston in 2014.