Externally funded projects

2016-2019: "MIREL – Mining and reasoning with legal texts", PI: Grigoris Antoniou. This project is funded by the European Commission with approx. 1M Euros. The aim is to achieve a breakthrough in the interpretation and use of legal texts by mining them to acquire semantic descriptions of their content, and by reasoning with these semantic descriptions for decision making and compliance checking purposes.

2014-2017: "SemData – Semantic Data Management" Partner coordinator: Grigoris Antoniou, total funding about Euro 0,9m over 3,5 years. International Resarcher Exchange Scheme (IRSES), invited for negotiation by Marie Curie FP7.

2015-2016: "Collaboration with the Sphere project": Project leader Grigoris Antoniou. This project is a collaboration with the EPSRC-funded Sphere project, funded jointly by the Universities of Bristol and Huddersfield. The aim is to implement and text rule-based activity recognition solution for smart homes which are being set up in the Bristol area.

2015-2016:"SimplyfAI", Partner coordinator Lee McCluskey, total funding about £ 0.2m. The project aims to address the challenges surrounding the complex interaction between environmental, social and economic aspects of urban transport movements by using AI approaches.

2015-2016: "Sem-Spine: Semantic enrichment of the Spine tool", Project leader Grigoris Antoniou. This project is funded by a research contract with British Telecom, and aims at improving an existing platform for managing Internet of Things data by adding semantics and allowing it to be linked to the Web of Data through Linked Open Data.

2012-2016: "HEDLAMP - Machine Learning and Adaptation of Domain Models to Support Real Time Planning in Autonomous Systems" PI and manager: Lee McCluskey, total funding about £1m over 4 years to  Universities of Huddersfield and Edinburgh. Funded through EPSRC AIS Programme supported by various companies including Schlumberger.

2011-2015: "ARTS - Autonomic Road Transport Support Systems", Overall Chair / network manager: Lee McCluskey, COST network grant, total funding about Euro 0.5m over 4 years with current membership from 23 European Countries.

2013-2014: "PRELIDA – Preserving Linked Data" Partner coordinator and workpackage leader: Grigoris Antoniou, total funding about Euro 0,8m over 2 years. Funded as an ICT FP7 Coordination Action.

2012-2014: "PlanetData", Associate Partner coordinator: Grigoris Antoniou. Funded as an ICT FP7 Network of Excellence.