

Dr Rupert Till (Director)


Dr Lisa Colton

Dr Geoff Cox

Dr Julio D'Escrivan

Dr Catherine Haworth

Dr Mark Mynett Associate Member (Computing and Engineering)

Dr Toby Martin

Dr Jonathan Wakefield Associate Member (Computing and Engineering)

Stewart Worthy

Dr Ray Hitchins Visiting research fellow (University of the West Indies)

Dr. Julia Winterson

Sean Miller

Mike MacSween

Sarah Jay Hawley

Postgraduate Students 

Grace Healy 

Her research tackles issues concerning gender and sexuality within popular music, with respect to both the music itself and its position within a broader socio­political context, and she is therefore linked to both PMSRG and the Centre for Music, Gender and Identity (MuGI). Her previous work has focused on masculine identities within British post-punk scene, and her PhD project has grown out of these interests to centre on the influence of Dadaist aesthetics and culture on popular music scenes. 

Paul Francis

Paul is studying a PhD exploring popular music performance teaching in higher education, focusing on individual performance tuition and looking in particular at drum kit tuition, although also exploring ensemble performance tuition. He is also composing, performing and recording pieces designed specifically to be used in such pedagogical situations.

Austin Moore

Austin is studying a PhD exploring the use of the compressor in popular music recordings. He is looking in particular at the use of the 1176, but is also comparing this to other classic hardware compressors. He is using a range of standard testing methodologies, but also exploring the use of such units in recordings, and their surrounding ecologies.

Hali Santamas

Mihalis is a PhD student at the University, exploring music and photography.

Paul Wolinski 

Filling Rooms With Noise: a creative exploration of the relationship between live electronic music, sonic art and the context-based perception of sound


Recent Graduates 

Dr Philip Allcock 

Analysing the Musical Style of Sir Elton John: An Interdisciplinary Approach.


Dr Franco Fabbri

Genre theories and their applications in the historical and analytical study of popular music: a commentary on my publications


Dr Mark Mynett

Contemporary Metal Music Production


Dr Simon Bradley 

Archaeology of the Voice: Exploring Oral History, Locative Media, Audio Walks, and Sound Art as Site-Specific Displacement Activities


Dr Alessandro Carrera

The Philosophy of Popular Music: Aesthetical Categories and Cultural Relevance. A Commentary on My Publications


Ben Wall – MA by Research 

Inca Roads: The Musical Worlds of Frank Zappa


Rob Rideout – MA by Research

Creativity and Songwriting


Adam Smith – MA by Research

The Influence of Literature in 1960s British Popular Music: Approaches to Popular Music Composition


External Participants

Adam Smith

Adam took an MA by Research exploring the influence of literature on British psychedelic music, and is now a member of successful neo-psych band Temples

Dr Nick Bougaieff

Nick’s PhD at Huddersfield explored minimal techno, and he was a founder member of Liine with Richie Hawtin and others.