Research Excellence Framework 2014

The Higher Education Funding Council for England (HEFCE) allocates around £1.6 billion of funds selectively each year on the basis of research quality and volume. HEFCE and the three other national funding bodies assess universities’ research through a periodic exercise. This was previously known as the Research Assessment Exercise (RAE), and was last conducted in 2008. The assessment process aims to support a dynamic and internationally competitive UK research sector that makes a major contribution to economic prosperity, national wellbeing and the expansion and dissemination of knowledge.

The 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) replaced the RAE. It assessed the quality and impact of research submitted by UK universities across all disciplines. As well as informing funding allocations from 2015 onwards, the REF provides accountability for public investment in research, demonstrates its benefits, and provides important reputational yardsticks and benchmarking information about the research performance of UK universities.

REF2014: UK key facts

REF2014: Our key facts

The University of Huddersfield is celebrating three major achievements in REF2014:

REF 2014 results