Media, Journalism and Film, 2020-2021 Seminar Series

The Seminar Series


During the 2020-2021 academic year, the Department of Media and Performance launched a fully online Research Seminar Series in Media, Journalism, and Film 

On the sidelines seminar poster

Guy Harrison - On the Sidelines

20/01/21 - Guy Harrison. "On the Sidelines: Gendered Neoliberalism and the American Female Sportscaster"

Poster for Dr Rosemary Oyinlola Popoola seminar

Dr R Oyinlola Popoola: Fame, Feminism, Fragility

27/01/21 - Rosemary Oyinlola Popoola. “Of Fame, Feminism and Fragility: Nigerian Celebrities and Social Change”

Josh Shepperd, early communications research seminar poster

Josh Shepperd: Early Communications Research

03/02/21 - Josh Shepperd: “Theodor Adorno, Paul Lazarsfeld, and the Public Interest Mandate of Early Communications Research, 1935–1941”  

Poster for Rebecca Williams' seminar

Rebecca Williams: Theme Park Fandom

10/02/21 - Rebecca Williams. “Creativity, Connection & Coming Home: Theme Park Fandom and the Coronavirus Closures”

The Seminar Series 2020 – 2021:


15 October 2020: David Arditi (University of Texas at Arlington):

“Getting Signed: Record Contracts, Musicians, and Power in Society” 


29 October 2020: Victor Pickard (University of Pennsylvania): 

“Democracy Without Journalism? Confronting the Misinformation Society” 


19 November 2020: Robert (Ted) Gutsche Jr. (Lancaster University): 

“Journalism and Politics After the 2020 U.S. Presidential Election” 


26 November 2020: Tanya Kant (University of Sussex): 

“Making It Personal: Algorithmic Personalization, Identity, and Everyday Life” 


3 December 2020: Anamik Saha (Goldsmiths, University of London): 

“Media ‘Diversity’ and Racial Capitalism: A Case Study on the UK Publishing Industry” 


10 December 2020: Ranjana Das (University of Surrey): 

“The Digital Turn Amidst COVID-19: Impacts on Pregnancy and Maternity” 


20 January 2021: Guy Harrison (University of Tennessee)

"On the Sidelines: Gendered Neoliberalism and the American Female Sportscaster" 


27 January 2021: Rosemary Oyinlola Popoola (University of Wisconsin-Madison)

“Of Fame, Feminism and Fragility: Nigerian Celebrities and Social Change”  


28 January 2021: Christopher Ali (University of Virginia, USA): 

“Rural Broadband in a Time of COVID: Lessons Learned and Not Learned” 


3 February 2021: Josh Shepperd (University of Colorado):

“Theodor Adorno, Paul Lazarsfeld, and the Public Interest Mandate of Early Communications Research, 1935–1941” 



10 February 2021:  Rebecca Williams (University of South Wales):

“Creativity, Connection & Coming Home: Theme Park Fandom and the Coronavirus Closures” 


11 February 2021: Dağhan Irak (University of Huddersfield): 

Athletes and Politics: The Fallacy of ‘Stick to Sports’ as a Global Phenomenon 


25 February 2021: Ashley Hinck (Xavier University, USA): 

Disciplining the Citizen: The ‘Fan-as-Citizen’ Discourse in US Politics, 2015-2019 


11 March 2021: Errol Salamon (University of Huddersfield) and Karin Assmann (University of Georgia, USA): 

Organizing Newsrooms in the Digital Age: Workers and Audiences” 


18 March 2021: Ruth Stoker (University of Huddersfield): 

“The Role of Local Communities in Defining Journalism Ethics” 


22 April 2021: Alfred L. Martin, Jr. (University of Iowa, USA): 

Book Talk: The Generic Closet: Black Gayness and the Black-Cast Sitcom