Our academic specialists can help you to get the best out of your people through our excellent training and development opportunities.
Short courses
Our short courses help you maximise your investment in training and development, enhancing the knowledge and skills of your workforce and increasing their motivation and morale. We can provide training which lasts from half a day up to a few days, or blocks of training days delivered over a prolonged period. We deliver short courses in common topics, such as management and leadership development or business operations, right through to the different specialisms from our academic schools.
Bespoke programmes
We want our training to be right for your business and understand that there isn’t always a ‘one size fits all’ solution. We can work with you to identify your needs and then develop a tailor-made programme that addresses your specific requirements, within the context of your industry and business sector. Our bespoke training addresses individual employee needs whilst contributing to your organisation’s overarching goals and strategy.
Degrees and professional programmes
We offer longer-term development opportunities through our undergraduate and postgraduate degrees and post-professional qualifications. Many of these courses have been designed to meet the requirements of professional bodies and provide both a professional and an academic qualification.
If you are looking for a refreshing alternative for team building events, or staff away days, our academics are excellent presenters and facilitators. Whether you are seeking a specialist presentation delivered by an expert, an engaging facilitator for individual and departmental insight or action-learning to improve both personal and team effectiveness, we can work in partnership with you to plan and deliver a customised experience for your team.
Contact for more information:
Tel: 01484 473666
Email: business@hud.ac.uk
Twitter: @HudSTB
LinkedIn: Services to Business