UoA 17 - Business and Management Studies
Our research within this unit spans various areas of Business and Management and includes:
- Sustainable supply chains
- Digital transformation
- Applied finance and economics
- Human capital
- Organizational behaviour and wellbeing
- Decision making and behavioural economics
- Consumption and markets
- Sustainable and resilient communities
- Corporate governance and ethics
- Responsible people and professions
- Public policy and social justice
There are three research centres aligned to the Unit that have a broad spectrum of research:
- The Northern Productivity Hub is a multidisciplinary Research Centre operating within a broad spectrum of economics, finance, operations and supply chain management, transport, strategic management and big data. NPH research aims to understand, measure and improve performance and productivity of private and public institutions including the impact of the economic environment and regulation on these outcomes.
- The Research Centre for Sustainability, Responsibility, Governance and Ethics (SURGE) brings together colleagues with a passion for promoting good environmental practice, fairness and accountability in business, government and society and includes an eclectic mix of researchers from areas such as international development, enterprise, finance, HR, law, geography, marketing, operations, logistics, leadership, communication, sociology, tourism, economics, hospitality, events and engineering.
- The Behavioural Research Centre (BRC) initiates original interdisciplinary research both within the University and with external collaborators and partners. The BRC includes researchers with backgrounds in behavioural science, management, marketing, economics, logistics, law, psychology, computing and artificial intelligence. The research expertise of the members spans quantitative and qualitative research methods, experimental science, psychometric and agent-based modelling, as well as behavioural model development and testing.



Institutes and Centres