UoA 24 - Sport and Exercise Sciences, Leisure and Tourism

UoA 24 - Sport and Exercise Sciences, Leisure and Tourism

The discipline of Sport and Exercise Science at the University of Huddersfield is driven by an ambitious programme of research, with a desire and commitment to create knowledge that has a positive impact on health and athletic performance. Our Mission is to foster a spirit of (co)enquiry and partnership for innovation and change, making a difference in organisations, services and communities, locally, nationally and internationally. We are highly collaborative, working closely with colleagues from around the world in order to address important real-world problems.

The Unit comprises staff from the Division of Sport, Exercise and Nutrition Sciences which sits within the Department of Allied Health Professions and Sport and Exercise, as part of the School of Human and Health Sciences.  Research is organised around Institutes and Centres of Research and staff within this Unit are part of the Centre for Applied Research in Health (CARH) and in particular, within the theme Physical Activity for Performance and Health Promotion. The emphasis of the Centre is on applied research which positively impacts health outcomes as well as the quality, effectiveness and efficiency of services. The Centre has strong links with NHS-funded service providers and community organisations, with emphasis on collaborative research that is pertinent to current needs and priorities in health research, such as the ageing population, and the prevalence of obesity and type II diabetes.

Our aim is to produce research of the highest quality with an emphasis on the application of theoretical perspectives to the real world, the use of innovative methodologies, the critical examination of policy and practice, effective knowledge transfer, public engagement, and professional development.


A collage of our academics



Item image



The Barbara Hepworth building

Institutes and Centres