UoA 26 - Linguistics

UoA 26 - Linguistics

We have a strong international reputation in stylistics, corpus linguistics, pragmatics, conversation analysis and phonetics (particularly forensic speech science), as well as in applied linguistics.

To build our expertise within intercultural pragmatics we have worked to integrate existing capability in conversation analysis (CA) into our Centre for Intercultural Politeness Research (CIPR), giving us a unique direction in pragmatics research.

Our research into applied linguistics has established the Language Variation and Change Research Group and set up a forensic speech science lab.

The Institute of Applied Linguistics provides a base for our in-house consultancy service (Language Unlocked), which offers research expertise in corpus-based stylistic and pragmatic analysis to public, private and third-sector clients.

Our publication “Babel: The Language Magazine” is now recognised as the world’s premier popular outlet for research in linguistics. Babel is based on pedagogic research and was founded in 2012. Published quarterly, Babel’s guiding principle is that articles must be written by linguists who have carried out the research they are writing about, rather than by journalists. To further increase the magazine’s profile, we established an annual Babel Lecture at Huddersfield, which is given by a high-profile speaker.

A collage of our academics



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The Barbara Hepworth building

Institutes and Centres