UoA 32 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

UoA 32 - Art and Design: History, Practice and Theory

Our research is focused around three research centres within the School of Art, Design and Architecture:

The research centres have generated opportunities for cross-disciplinary working and encouraged thinking practices in the formations and receptions of art, design and visual culture (sculpture, photography, speculative design, textile art, photography, aesthetic philosophy, visual culture, cultural theory).

Cultural Ecologies in Art, Design and Architecture (CEADA) - Our research within this area offers opportunities for transdisciplinary and cross-disciplinary working across art and design history, practice and theory, as well as architecture. With the main ideal of cultural ecology as a nodal network of exchanges and interactions, out of which new ideas, forms and practices emerge.

 Technical Textiles - The research conducted within this area covers industrial and manufacturing textile innovations with other disciplines such as materials science and engineering and with commercial partners. The centre fosters transdisciplinary research by bringing together expertise in the fields of digital technology, textile processing cellulose science, medical textiles, fibre and polymer chemistry and surface functionalisation.


A collage of our academics



Item image



The Barbara Hepworth building

Institutes and Centres