Urban Commons and Commoning Practices
2 - 13 March 2020
This exhibition showcased urban commons and related commoning practices, small scale and low-cost interventions that aim to have a positive impact on cities over longer periods of time.

3 - 22 February 2020
In his second Temporary Contemporary exhibition Ryan Durrant used painting to provide a commentary on the importance of the individual part and its relationship to the whole.

Sustaining China's Villages
Making a Difference to Rural Regeneration
13-25 January 2020
An exhibition of architectural, art and craft work tackling the need for a more sustainable approach to construction and the built environment generally in rural SW China Villages.

Windows into Worlds
2-20 December 2019
This audiovisual exhibition and installation showcased new connections between performing arts and digital video underpinned by original artistic research from Dr Ben Spatz's Judaica project.

Persistence of Utopia
23 October - 9 November 2019
Persistence of Utopia explored an expanded notion of ‘utopia’ and questioned its endurance as an idea. The exhibition was part of the Kirklees-wide Cosmia Science Fiction festival.

26 July - 3 August 2019
INTER-SECTION brings together a group of artists and artist-run initiatives to explore and examine shared and divergent spaces, processes and psychologies.

Quilting Together
24 June - 13 July 2019
Quilting Together presented quilts and drawings to explore the notion of 'amateurism' and the experience of collective making.

The Laundry Pile
24 June - 13 July 2019
The Laundry Pile exhibition looked beyond the mundanities of doing the laundry and explored clothes washing in the context of environmental impact and evolving material culture.

Bigfoot in West Belfast
14 - 21 June 2019
Bigfoot in West Belfast intertwined the aesthetics of photojournalism with more subjective and imaginative interpretations of a remembered past to question representations of history and reality.

Photography and Lived Experience
14-21 June 2019
Photography and Lived Experience showcased the politics of looking and critical engagement with looking and representation. It showcased the work of five postgraduate photographers in the School of Art, Design and Architecture.

Situating Practices
18 May-1 June 2019
Situating Practices was a postgraduate research group show featuring the work of students engaged in research through practice in the School of Art, Design and Architecture at the University of Huddersfield and curated by Claire Booth-Kurpnieks.

15 April-3 May 2019
Nocturne is an experimental film and writing based on artist Stella Baraklianou’s residency at St Petersburg, Russia June 2018-May 2019.

Making Material Memories
15 April-3 May 2019
The Making Material Memories exhibition displayed the outcome of a research project by Charlotte Goldthorpe. It brought together craft and storytelling, focusing on nine recollections.

What's this dull town to me?
13 March-6 April
This exhibition responded to the changes that have taken place on the British high street. The departure point was psychogeographic research, resulting in an augmented reality exhibition and heritage walk.

Temporary Tactical Urbanism
13 March- 6 April 2019
Temporary Tactical Urbanism addressed the questions: what do the terms ‘temporary’, ‘tactical’, ‘do it yourself’, and ‘guerrilla urbanism’ mean? How do they differ?

Synthetic Spaces
31 January-4 March 2019
For the Synthetic Spaces exhibition, Nic Clear and Hyun Jun Park selected and scanned three iconic sites in Huddersfield. The images are highly technical and yet they evoke a much more speculative response to the sites.

Empire of Memory
10-26 January 2019
Prompted by the gift of a commemorative coin, The Empire of Memory exhibition used contemporary photographs alongside archive material, family albums and public records to explore the relationship between remembering and forgetting.

Monument to Carl Einstein
10-26 January 2019
The Monument to Carl Einstein exhibition presented outcomes from Dale Holmes’ long-term research into the work and precarious biography of Carl Einstein (1885-1940) including both painting and a sculptural monument.

7-21 December 2018
The photographic sequences presented in Flood investigated image narratives and practices of looking at photography. The title refers to sudden changes in environments and their impact on conventional behaviours.

Uncanny Valley
7-21 December 2018
Uncanny Valley was an exhibition of photographic montages taken at the Gleadless Valley estate, Sheffield and produced by Nick Deakin. The compositions repeat the lyrics of the uniquely positioned post-WW2 housing estate.

Showgirl Manifesto
11-27 October 2018
Showgirl Manifesto was inspired by the publication Viewing Pleasure and Being a Showgirl, How do I Look? published by Routledge in 2018 by Alison J Carr. The exhibition examined the experiences of showgirls and those who watch them.

Black Bag
10- 29 September 2018
In Ryan Durrant’s exhibition Black Bag, the artist conceptually extended the idea of repetition. Multimedia images and sculptures of black bin liners taut with unseen contents offer a reminder of the constant reproduction of waste.

Place, Space, Action
6-14 April 2018
The inaugural exhibition of the Temporary Contemporary research-exhibition programme at Market Gallery, Queensgate Market, brought together artists and designers from the School of Art, Design and Architecture.