Our main aim is to carry out research which improves the health and wellbeing of those using health services and the wider population.  Our emphasis is on applied research which has an impact on health outcomes, the quality of services, improving the effectiveness and efficiency of service provision and policy. We have excellent links with NHS funded service providers and a range of community based organisations which ensures our research is collaborative and relevant to current priorities in policy and practice.  We have expertise in qualitative and quantitative methodologies and have developed particular expertise in participatory research and co-production, with excellent examples of productive public patient involvement.  We have a track record of world class research, including self-management of mental health problems and long term conditions, promoting person-centered care, physical activity and health, and work and health.  


Please contact us if you would like to discuss opportunities for working with the Centre or require further information. We welcome opportunities for new partnerships.

Professor Ann-Louise Caress, Centre Director and Professor of Health Services Research, A.Caress@hud.ac.uk  Research profile: https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/persons/ann-louise-caress

Dr Tammi Walker, Deputy Director and Reader in Forensic Psychology. T.Walker@hud.ac.uk Research profile: https://pure.hud.ac.uk/en/persons/tammi-walker