CCID Seminar Series

Seminar series 2019 – 2020

Seminars are on Tuesdays at 1.15 – 2.15 Rooms tbc

October 22nd 2019 HWG/04

Professor Steven Miles, Manchester Metropolitan University.

The Experience Society: how consumer capitalism reinvented its ability to seduce and divide

November 12th 2019 CSG/08

Dr Daniela Crocetti

Developing critical approaches to intersex, DSD and Variations of Sex Characteristics

December 3rd 2019 HW3/17

Dr Tom Loughran, Dr Andy Mycock, University of Huddersfield

Becoming a citizen - Votes at 16 and youth transitions to adulthood

January 21st 2020

Dr Jo Woodiwiss, University of Huddersfield

Childhood sexual abuse: Dramatising a contemporary narrative

February 25th 2020 HW3/18

Dr Eleanor Formby, Reader in Sociology and Youth studies, Sheffield Hallam University

Being young and LGBT+: Experiences of homophobic, biphobic and transphobic bullying and feeling (not) included in English schools

March 24th 2020 HW3/17

Dr Jon Dean, Reader in Sociology, Sheffield Hallam University

The symbolic power of charity

May 2020 (tbc)

Professor Jim McAuley (HHS) and Matt Snell (HUBS).University of Huddersfield

‘Would you like another glass of camel milk with that boiled goat?’: researching the Community management of scarce natural resources in North East Kenya.

June 9th 2020 HW3/18

Joint seminar with Centre for the Study of Music, Culture and Identity (CSMCI)

Dr Rosemary Hill, (CSMCI), University of Huddersfield

Sexual violence and music

Seminars are free to attend and everyone is welcome but you will need to book via the eventbrite link for the seminar (see individual flyers).