CCID - Projects




Video Games as Self-Care


Dr Julie Ellis is involved in a project funded by the Screen Industries Growth Network (SIGN) about video games and their role in self-care for young people living with loss and uncertainty during the Covid-19 pandemic.  The project will run from June 2021-June 2022 and explore the role of video games as therapeutic, social, and educational tools for coping, using the mixed-method approach of a qualitative/quantitative survey and Interactive Elicitation, a ‘play interview’ where participants interact with games and discuss their use. Julie will be a co-investigator on the project working with the following team of colleagues:


Principal Investigator: Dr Matthew Spokes (York St John University)


Co-Investigators: Dr Jack Denham (York St John University), Dr Jo Bell (University of Hull), Matt Coward-Gibbs (University of York). 


More info can be found here.


UKIERI UK-India Education and Research Initiative

The Benefits of Modifying Social Enterprise within Higher Education’s Social Sciences Curriculum

From today’s global perspective, social enterprise is part of the public, private and voluntary sectors. Social Enterprise plays a crucial part in the higher education sector. This project is being funded by UK-India Education and Research Initiative (UKIERI), with the overall aim to critically explore the impact that social enterprise has on students/graduates in the United Kingdom (UK) and India higher education sectors. This project entailed applies two case studies: University of Delhi and University of Huddersfield. The data collection involved social surveys, semi-structured interviews and focus group meetings. Throughout the data collection process, the project team have spoken to different stakeholders, namely: social enterprise organisations, students, local authorities and universities. To date, the project has produced a number of knowledge exchange outputs: · A Social Innovation and Entrepreneurship certificate course, which is being delivered at the Design Innovation Centre at the University of Delhi. · A level 6 undergraduate module that is being delivered in Behavioural and Social Sciences degree programmes at the University of Huddersfield. · A social enterprise model that can be created for different sectors. · 3 book chapters and 2 articles (please see below for more details). Members of the project team: Dr Jamie P. Halsall, Dr Roopinder Oberoi, Dr Michael Snowden and Dr Pete Woodcock. 

a globe silhouette centred on Europe, in purple and yellow   

Intersex: New Interdisciplinary Approaches (INIA) – a new Innovative Training Network

INIA is a new international research network which will train a cohort of 10 early stage researchers working collaboratively to develop knowledge that will inform policy making and practice across a range of key sectors.



Intersex/DSD Human Rights, Citizenship and Democracy


This project investigates human rights framing and strategies used to address Intersex and DSD in Europe (specifically focusing on Italy, Switzerland and the UK).It utilizes a qualitative approach in order to gain an in-depth understanding of activist and policy perspectives.


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An evaluation of historical and contemporary debates on lowering the voting age

The research project will analyse historical and contemporary debates concerning voting age reform, youth democratic participation, and attendant rights and responsibility of youth and adult citizenship.

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Beyond the individual: Exploring approaches to supporting LGBT young people in the UK and Sweden

Dr Jo Woodiwiss is working with Dr Eleanor Formby (Sheffield Hallam University) and in collaboration with Hans Olsson, Riksförbundet För Sexuell Upplysning (the Swedish Association for Sexuality Education) on this British Academy/Leverhulme small grant-funded project worth £7,500 which runs between 2017 and 2019.

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Girls and Young Women Project Logo ‌

Project 1325 Evaluation

Dr Grainne McMahon has been awarded a grant of £25k by WomenCentre (Calderdale and Kirklees) to evaluate ‘Project 1325’,which is funded by the Big Lottery’s Women and Girls Initiative Fund. 

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 Partispace Logo

Spaces and styles of participation. Formal, non-formal and informal possibilities of young people's

This project, located primarily in The Centre for Applied Childhood, Youth and Family Research and examines how and where young people, aged 15-30, participate politically (and socially and culturally) across social milieus and youth cultural scenes, in a sample of European cities.


The Brunswick Centre ‌‌‌

yOUTh project – Funded by the Brunswick Centre

The yOUTh Project is funded by the Big Lottery Fund and works across all of Kirklees providing support to LGB&T young people, their parents and carers.

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Dr Julie Ellis recently received funding from the School and Human and Health Sciences to undertake a small research project entitled: Looking for love (again): Experiences of dating after the death of a partner.

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Exploring professional understandings of Child Sexual Abuse /Exploitation

Dr Jo Woodiwiss has been awarded funding from the School of Human and Health Sciences to undertake a small scoping project that is designed to inform a larger funding application. This study will be conducted between February and October 2019.



How Social Movements Move: A Local Case Study of Female Post-Secondary Students' Understanding and Uptake of #MeToo

Dr Gráinne McMahon and Professor Christine Jarvis (HudCRES) are involved in a research project led by Dr Kaela Jubas, a visiting scholar from the University of Calgary.  The study, which will take place in the University of Huddersfield in March and April 2019, and is funded by the University of Calgary.