Intersex, Variations of Sex Characteristics and dsd Citizenship and Democracy

Conducted by: Dr Daniela Crocetti, University of Huddersfield (Principal researcher), Professor Surya Monro, University of Huddersfield (Coordinator), Dr Tray Yeadon-Lee, University of Huddersfield (Co-Investigator).

Collaborators: Zwischengeschlecht/ Stop Intersex Genital Mutilation, Switzerland.

Dates: 05/09/2016 – 04/09/2019 (extended for one year to cover maternity leave).

Read our UK report: Intersex, Variations of Sex Characteristics, and DSD: The Need for Change by Surya Monro, Daniela Crocetti, and Tray Yeadon-Lee with Fae Garland and Mitch Travis, University of Huddersfield Press, Huddersfield.

Background information:

‘Intersex’ is an umbrella-term that encompasses various physical variations in the components of the parts of the body we consider gendered or sexed; primarily chromosomes, genetic markers, gonads, hormones, reproductive organs, genitals, and secondary sex characteristics (such as facial hair or muscle mass). Despite the fact that these variations generally do not threaten the physical health of the individual (there are correlated health problems only in certain circumstances), people with these biological variations are often subjected to involuntary unnecessary surgery and other medical treatment. Up to 2% of the population may be born with invisible or visible Intersex traits, and between 0.1% and 0.05% are detected and subject to medical attention.

Intersex is the term used by most International activists who work on Human Rights aspects. Human rights activist Miriam van der Have states "Intersex variations are not an abnormality or disease. For me intersex refers to the lived experience of the socio-cultural consequences of being born with a body that does not fit within the normative definitions of "man" and "woman." In short, it is about our experiences and not a medical diagnosis." Some activists also use ‘variations of sex characteristics’, aiming to include ‘sex characteristics’ as a category in national and international Human Rights protections.

The term ‘DSD’ (Disorders of Sex Development) is instead used in most medical contexts, and was coined in 2006 by a small group of activists, academics and doctors at the Chicago Consensus Convention. This meeting sought to address the problematic invasive care model, particularly the lack of informed consent and childhood surgeries. With this new term DSD they hoped to eliminate the social stigma tied to the terms ‘Intersex’ and ‘Hermaphroditism’ which could give an image of un-defined gender or sexuality, creating a term that spoke to the biological issues instead of social ones. However, the term ‘disorder’ also carries the stigma of being considered ‘out of order’ (i.e. in need of fixing), and it has not been widely accepted by those directly implicated.

Some Social Health Activist (SHA; patient associations and/or activists) might refer instead to one of the more than 30 variations in the Intersex and/or DSD umbrella, such as Androgen Insensitivity Syndrome, Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia, Klinefelter’s syndrome, Hypospadias (and more). These groups and individuals might not use either Intersex or DSD in most of their communication.

Language and terminology, among the many Human Rights issues, are contested in this field.

Aim and objectives:

This project investigates human rights framing and strategies used to address Intersex and DSD in Europe (specifically focusing on Italy, Switzerland and the UK). It maps the agendas, actions and results of the diverse Intersex and DSD/dsd activists, including the views of clinicians and policy makers working in the Intersex and DSD/dsd area. In order to be as inclusive as possible, the terms ‘Intersex’, ‘DSD’, and ‘variations of sex characteristics’ or other terms are used based on the choice of the research participant.

The project has four basic aims:


The project utilizes a qualitative approach in order to gain an in-depth understanding of activist and policy perspectives. It is interdisciplinary in its use of concepts and tools adopted from sociology, gender and sexuality studies, social study of science, politics, social policy and socio-legal studies. This project has received ethics approval from the University of Huddersfield, reference SREP/2016/080.


Upcoming Stakeholder engagement event Intersex /VSC: Social Policy, Equality and Human Rights in the UK: 8 November 2019.

EU Flag

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie grant agreement No 703352.

Past Conference Intersex Social Science: Activism, Human Rights, and Citizenship International Conference: 4-5 June 2018, University of Bologna, Italy.