Discursive Documents - 2017

Discursive Documents

11 February - 6 May 2017

Huddersfield Art Gallery

Admission Free

Events and Talks

Opening Night

Thursday 16 February 5-7pm

Curator Dr Liam Devlin will introduce the show...
To facilitate the curatorial framework of the exhibition the Gallery will host a number of debates around the artist's work and the issues they explore. All events are free and open to the public

Alex Beldea + Seba Kurtis

Thursday 2 March 2-4.30pm

Artists Seba Kurtis and Alex Beldea will present their work exploring the challenges families and individuals face fleeing war and persecution seeking refuge in Europe. This will be followed by responses from invited guest speakers, a panel discussion and open debate about this important issue.

Richard Mulhearn + Richard Higginbottom

Thursday 23 March 2-4.30pm

Artists Richard Mulhearn and Richard Higginbottom will present their work exploring the relationship between photography and the everyday. This will be followed by responses from invited guest speakers, a panel discussion and open debate about contemporary practices of photographic representation.

Sarah Eyre + Layla Sailor

Thursday 6 April 2-4.30pm

Artists Sarah Eyre and Layla Sailor will present their work that explores the complex relationships between fashion, femininity and its representations. This will be followed by responses from invited guest speakers, a panel discussion and open debate about this important series of issues.

Discursive Dancing

Thursday 27 April 2-5pm

Open public workshop, all welcome. Please book at turveyworld2@yahoo.com

Closing Event

Thursday 4 May

The last night of the exhibition will be a celebration of the artist's works and the debates they engendered through the series of events and workshops. A highlight of the event will be a contemporary dance performance created by Gerry Turvey in response to the work on show.