Edited by Alex Coles, EP2 examines the role of fiction across art, design and architecture. Contributors include: Umberto Eco, Will Holder, Carrie Lambert-Beatty, Philip Morrel, Rick Poynor, Bruce Sterling. The volume was produced in collaboration with members of the Jan van Eyck Academy, Eindhoven, Netherlands, and supported by a £10k grant from the Creative Industries Fund, Rotterdam, Netherlands.

EP2 events include:

'Design Fiction: The Linguistic Turn' colloquium at the Vilem Flusser Archive in University of the Arts (UdK), Berlin: http://www.flusser-archive.org

'Styling Knowledge' debate at Design Academy Eindhoven, Netherlands: https://www.designacademy.nl/News/tabid/2055/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/2621/Styling-Knowledge.aspx

'Design Fiction' debate with Lucas Maasen, Design Academy Eindhoven, Netherlands: https://www.designacademy.nl/News/tabid/2055/articleType/ArticleView/articleId/2567/Alex-Coles-on-Why-Editorial-Design.aspx