Net Zero and Climate Change

About Us

This cluster has been busy building relations with external partners, including Kirklees Climate Commission (KCC).

John Lever is one of the UoH partners on the £900k funded Defra landscape recovery project Nature’s Holme, which is led by South Pennines Park, with River Holme Connections, the Palladium Group and Akb-Environmental Ltd as partners. Discussions are under way to run workshops for Kirklees SME’s who need to offset their carbon footprint to be Net Zero by 2038. The aim is to develop a dedicated Kirklees fund and payment for ecosystems trading platform to enable businesses to invest in nature-based solutions locally via insetting rather than offsetting to achieve Net Zero goals.

Clair McCamley is also working with Prof Shona Bettany and Prof Phil Brown on a KTP about the decarbonisation of domestic UK housing stock, which is a key component in helping to deliver on the UK's target of net zero by 2050.

John Lever and James Scott Vandeventer are involved in a multi-disciplinary project with Professor John Allport, Computing and Engineering; Professor Grant Campbell, Applied Sciences, and Mr Patrick Flavin, Estates to establish an onsite Energy Integration Lab that synergises energy-related research across the University’s sustainability agenda. This will enhance the ability of HBS to develop further funding bids around a range of Net Zero related research and enterprise themes with external partners.