Our Postgraduate Students

We provide world-leading collective expertise and an international presence to attract and retain research students, including overseas students, whilst simultaneously enhancing the current student experience.  Our postgraduates have access to the History Graduate Seminars, university training sessions, and smaller dedicated workshops in specific subject-areas.  Our research groups also strengthen our postgraduate culture, because there are abundant opportunities to meet other students who may share similar research interests, or are at the same stage of their research as you.  History at Huddersfield offers a number of exciting research pathways through our MA by Research, our taught MA in Holocaust and Genocide Studies, and our PhD programme.

Our centre also provides a valuable framework for early career researchers, by supporting the launch of new ideas and projects through an identifiable framework. Importantly, CHICAM also promotes cross-disciplinary projects, giving early career scholars the opportunity to network and disseminate their research across disciplines, and to learn how they can engage with external partners.

Postgraduate students also benefit from training in research data management, as well as full access to our library, and to our archive collections at Heritage Quay, which is housed within the University of Huddersfield. These publicly-accessible, invaluable archives include the Rugby Football League, Huddersfield and Colne Valley Labour Party archives, JH Whitley personal papers, JPW Mallalieu’s records, Wesley Historical Society, and the Huddersfield Contemporary Music Festival Archive. The University campus is home to the Holocaust Exhibition and Learning Centre which runs a learning programme for school students and regular public engagements, including conferences, events and temporary exhibitions. Our current research students are listed in our Research Group pages.

If you’re interested in joining CHICAM, we warmly welcome you to follow us on Twitter, join our mailing list, and come along to our events.