
CeReNeM has internationally competitive facilities for research into computer music, electroacoustic music and spatialisation technologies comprising the SRIF funded SPIRAL digital sudio spatialisation laboratory; HISS, the Huddersfield Immersive Sound System as well as excellent studio facilities and equipment for all types of recording and production.



Studio facilities - SPIRAL, interactive studio, 8 channel studio, recording studio, 5.1 studios, stereo studios


Equipment / Facilities

Equipment and facilities available to CeReNeM staff and students

St Pauls Hall concert space

Performance Spaces

Performance spaces at the University of Huddersfield

The HISS logo


The Huddersfield Immersive Sound System (the HISS) is a loudspeaker orchestra specialised in the concert rendition of electronic music of all kind: multichannel fixed media, mixed music, laptop ensembles, contemporary experimental pop.


Online Resource Booking

Bookings for equipment and studios via the SISO booking system. Staff and student access only.