HISSTools Project
Dr Alex Harker, Prof Pierre Alexandre Tremblay, Dr Hyunkook Lee
This project is part of the larger framework provided by the Huddersfield Immersive Sound System (the HISS), initiated and directed by Prof. Pierre Alexandre Tremblay and Dr Alex Harker with the support of HEFCE's SRIF programme, and the University of Huddersfield's School of Music, Humanities, and Media. The project aims to create powerful, yet lightweight, modular and accessible tools to address specific issues related to the composition, performance and presentation of electronic music.
HISSTools first release is a set of tools for working with convolution and impulse responses in MaxMSP. This set of objects addresses various tasks, including measuring impulse responses, spectral display from realtime data/buffers, and buffer-based convolution, deconvolution and inversion.
This set of object addresses various tasks, including:
measuring impulse responses
spectral display from realtime input/buffers
buffer-based convolution
HISSTools: Impulse Response Toolbox (HIRT)
CeReNeM and Creative Coding Lab
Dr Alex Harker, Prof Pierre Alexandre Tremblay, Dr Rodrigo Constanzo
The HISSTools Impulse Response Toolbox is a selection of Max/MSP objects ‘for solving problems relating to convolution and impulse responses (IRs).’ Designed by Alex Harker and Pierre Alexandre Tremblay in 2012, they enable mid-level programmers to carry out tasks that may not otherwise be achievable. Available for download and via the github repository.
Huddersfield Acoustical Analysis Research Toolbox (HAART)
CeReNeM, Creative Coding Lab and Applied Psychoacoustics Lab
Dr Alex Harker, Dale Johnson, Dr Hyunkook Lee
This engineering brief describes a new, open source code library named HAART (Huddersfield Acoustical Analysis Research Toolbox). HAART simplifies the measurement and analysis of multi-channel impulse responses (IRs). For the purposes of this engineering brief the code library is compiled as a set of Max objects that form a prototype program in Max. This program is able to perform the acquisition, manipulation and analysis of IRs using subjective and objective measures described in acoustics literature. HAART is also able to convolve IRs with audio material and, most importantly, able to binaurally synthesize virtual, multichannel speaker arrays over headphones, negating the need for multichannel setups when out in the field. The code library is available for download and via the github repository.
HISSTools: Granular (beta)
CeReNeM and Creative Coding Lab
Dr Alex Harker
A lightweight granular plugin made for teaching purposes using iPlug. Available as code only via github.
HISS Tools
Impulse Response Toolbox (HIRT)
The HISSTools Impulse Response Toolbox is a selection of Max/MSP objects for solving problems relating to convolution and impulse responses
Hudd. Acoustical Analysis Research Toolbox (HAART)
The HAART toolbox is used to perform the acquisition, manipulation and analysis of IRs using subjective and objective measures
Granular (beta)
A lightweight granular plugin made for teaching purposes using iPlug
The HISS Tools project provides custom convolution-related solutions specific to the needs of composers and practitioners.
Publications and compositions that discuss, document and utilise HISS Tools