Prof. Alexandros Nikitas, a world's top 2% researcher for the years 2020, 2021 and 2022 according to the Stanford/Elsevier ranking list (c-score based), is a Professor in Sustainable Transport Futures for Huddersfield Business School at the University of Huddersfield, UK. He is the Founding Director of the Future Mobility Lab, a new sustainable transport and smart mobility research initiative. He was the Deputy Director of the School’s Behavioural Research Centre and partner of the University’s European Structural and Investment Funds project LCR LEP Supply Chain. He submitted a flagship 4* REF Impact Case for his School in the REF 2021 exercise dealing with Active Transportation in Greece and beyond. Prof. Nikitas is a key figure in the Transport and Logistics Suite degree provision in all study levels.
Prof. Nikitas is the Chair of the Executive Commitee of UTSG (Universities' Transport Study Group) with a tenure between 2022 and 2025. Prof. Nikitas has the great honour to lead the premier transport teaching and research group in the UK and Ireland including 60 academic institution members such as Cambridge, Oxford, UCL, Imperial, Loughborough, TCD, Leeds and Southampton to name a few. The correspondence of UTSG is international and connects thousands of transport experts daily through its e-mail list.
Prof. Nikitas is the Associate Editor of the Journal of Transport & Health, the top journal that combines transport with health and wellbeing principles. He is also in the Editorial Boards of three highly reputable Elsevier Journals 'Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice', 'Research in Transportation Business & Management' and 'Case Studies on Transport Policy'. He has also organised and co-organised national and international conferences and conference sessions many times.
Prof. Nikitas has produced more than 130 papers and conference outputs in his career thus far. He is conducting research regarding the societal importance of sustainable mobility and autonomous, connected, shared and digitised transport. He is also the Academic Adviser of the West Midlands Combined Authority in future mobility and travel behaviour change and leads a pioneering research programme on sustainable mobility and mobility hubs funded by Kirklees Council that intends to improve significantly transport provision in the town of Huddersfield.
To see his full professional profile including publications go to: