Seminars and Workshops

Research Seminars & Workshops Schedule - Academic Year 2024-2025


Date Speaker Presenter's Institutions Activity Title
25/09/2024 Prof. Surya Prakash Singh Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), India External Guest Speaker Seminar Integrated model to optimize supplier selection and investments for cyber resilience in digital supply chains
02/10/2024 Prof. Vigneswara Ilavarasan Indian Institute of Technology Delhi (IITD), India External Guest Speaker Seminar Digital Public Infrastructure for the Digital Economy and Social Impact: Case of Unified Payment Interface in India
16/10/2024 Prof. Konstantinos Stathopoulos AMBS, University of Manchester, UK External Guest Speaker Seminar Does Zombification Influence Corporate Carbon Performance?
23/10/2024 Prof. Sofia Johan Florida Atlantic University (FAU), USA External Guest Speaker Seminar FinTech adoption and corporate greenwashing: A technology affordance perspective
13/11/2024 Dr. Raymond Adu University of Huddersfield Internal Speaker The impact of corporate culture on sustainability performance: Moderating roles of financial constraints and institutional environment
27/11/2024 Prof. Zulfiqar Shah, Prof. Abhijit Sharma University of Huddersfield Internal Event for PGRS How can we all contribute to  building a strong Research Culture? 
15/01/2025 Prof. Steven Ongena University of Zurich, Switzerland External Guest Speaker Seminar Joining Forces: Why Banks Syndicate Credit*
23/01/2025 Professor Liz Towns-Andrews University of Huddersfield Internal Speaker The National Health Innovation Campus – understanding the role of Social Determinants of Health and their impact on wellbeing and economic prosperity
30/01/2025 Prof. Zulfiqar Shah University of Huddersfield Internal Research Workshop (Staff) Targeting the Right Journal for Your Research and How to deal with  a Revise and Resubmit? 
12/02/2025 Prof. Amir Amel-Zadeh Saïd Business School, University of Oxford, UK External Guest Speaker Seminar Are Green Bonds Special?
13/02/2025 Professor Miguel Santolino University of Barcelona External Guest Speaker Seminar The monetary injury risk value of a crashed vehicle
19/02/2025 Prof. Gary Dymski Leeds University Business School External Guest Speaker Seminar Information hierarchies and policy innovation in Yorkshire: Rethinking devolution and productivity from the ‘bottom up’
04/03/2025 Professor Lisa Jack University of Portsmouth External Guest Speaker Seminar TBC
12/03/2025 Professor Teerooven Soobaroyen Aston Business School, Aston University External Guest Speaker Seminar TBC
19/03/2025 Dr. Erhan Kilincarslan University of Huddersfield Internal Speaker TBC