

Institutes and Centres
Our research is driven by a commitment to create knowledge that results in real public benefit. In keeping with the University research strategy, our work is distinguished by our strong tradition of applied research and collaboration with service users and professionals to tackle real-world problems and achieve sustainable, safe, healthy and equitable lives for all. Our mission is to generate knowledge that will make a real difference to people's lives in organisations, services and communities; locally, nationally and internationally. We aim to drive improvements to practice and influence policy through effective engagement, coproduction and knowledge exchange with multiple stakeholders
Research is organised around core areas of long-standing expertise and responsiveness to contemporary social issues and policy imperatives: inequalities and social justice, identity and diversity; inclusion and citizenship, participation and involvement; safety and security; prevention and support.
Research is delivered through seven research centres and supplemented by investment in two cross-university specialist institutes that address Areas of Strategic Research Importance and extend the work of the Research Centres.