Research with Impact

A student undertaking research at the University

Global Research Partnerships

The University is internationally renowned for its research in several important fields of research from engineering to health, music, and applied sciences.


Impact case studies

Our case studies demonstrate a huge range of innovative research and its societal and business impact.

Research outputs

Open Research

The University's committment to the Concordat on Open Research Data, Open Access, Research Data Management and more.

A couple of young ladies looking at a video game with excitement, one with 3D googles on.

Discover magazine

Our magazine, Discover, tells the discoveries and stories behind our research and highlights the impact this work has on the world around us.

Research with impact

The University of Huddersfield has a long standing reputation of producing high quality, international research output with excellent impact. As an institution, we recognise the importance of looking beyond academia to address global challenges and make a real difference.

Research impacts on the society we all live in and this can be seen in many ways, including cultural, economic, environmental, health, legal, political, societal or technological. Take a look at some of our impact case studies, which demonstrate a huge range of innovative research.

Why does it matter?

As the majority of research is publicly funded, achieving impact is now viewed as an integral element of the research process. With the Research Excellence Framework (REF) driving forward the impact agenda by placing an increasing emphasis on real-world value, institutions are increasingly expected to demonstrate a commitment to transformational research that engages with and benefits society at large. The University of Huddersfield recognises the importance of collaboration in impact, with industry partners and other disciplines, reflected in the work conducted by our Research Centres and Institutes.


Public engagement

Public engagement with research ensures that research activity at Huddersfield is responsive to real-world issues and demands. Events such as public lectures, exhibitions and research festivals help to connect the general public with our research community, inspiring change and resulting in work that benefits wider society.

The University of Huddersfield has long had the ethos that public engagement is a two way process. As well as being embedded in our research strategy, public engagement has been key to the development of many innovative partnerships with industry, social enterprises and community groups. The University of Huddersfield subscribes to the principles of the Concordat To Support Research Integrity and is committed to excellence in all aspects of research. Take a look at some of our impact case studies to find out more about how our research has made a difference, or see our research institutes and centres to explore our current research projects.

How can I get involved?

The University of Huddersfield holds a large number of events which are open to the public, as well as frequently working with schools, local communities and policy influencers. See our events pages to find out more about upcoming events and take the opportunity to meet the researchers who aim to inspire you in their work.

If you work in a school or college and would like to find out more about how to connect with the University of Huddersfield, our Schools and Colleges Liaison Team can help.

To discover more about how we can link with and offer support to external businesses and industries through Knowledge Transfer Partnerships (KTPs) and field-specific expertise, see our 'Ways for business to work with us' webpages for the latest information.
