Research Projects

Our projects

The Innovative Design Lab Research Centre's ongoing and previous projects are as follows.

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Knowledge Transfer Partnership with Actiform Ltd

Our KTP with Actiform Ltd focuses on the use of innovative and sustainable construction materials to reduce the negative impact of the industry on the environment.

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Towards Net-Zero design in Modular Construction

Towards (digitalisation and) Net-Zero design in Modular construction (KTP) - Implementation of BIM And Lean Strategies to Achieve Net-Zero Carbon within the Off-Site Construction Sector

Figure from IDL research project on visual management

Visual Management and Digitalisation

This research aims to analyse Visual Management (VM) in design within digital environments. 

Header for the u-VITAL project


User-Valued Innovations for Social Housing upgrading through Trans-Atlantic Living Labs

None in Three

None in Three

None in Three is a new project launched in celebration of International Women's Day 2016 and run by team of Caribbean and UK experts.

Paxman Scalp Cooling Cap

Paxman Scalp Cooling Cap

Redesigning the cooling cap – to fit the head more efficiently, improve the flow pattern and be mass-manufactured

IBGE/BIM (Brussels Environment) building by AGC Glass Europe

Automated Checking In Healthcare Design

Recommendations for automated checking of regulations and requirements management in healthcare design.

Picture of the Barbara Hepworth Building from below the main entrance.

The Value of Design for Sustainable Housing

The Value of Design for Sustainable Housing is a project to engage communities involved in housing – new and refurbishments – to better use design for smart, sustainable housing, and generate value in Social Housing Upgrades in Kirklees and Yorkshire. 

Innovative Design Lab

Towards Blockchain-enabled Construction

...Supply Chains: Potential, Requirements and Implementation

This Centre for Digital Built Britain (CDBB) sponsored research project investigated the value and implementation parameters for Blockchain

Innovative Design Lab

Global Interdisciplinary Centre

...for Innovation and New Product Development in Architecture and the Built Environment: UK - Brazil Collaboration (GIC)

Healthy ageing in developing countries

Healthy Ageing in Developing Countries

The challenges of ageing societies in developing countries are particularly new and of great concern as they reflect on how to implement sustainable healthcare service.

Dynamics of early project collaboration

Dynamics of Early Project Collaboration

This research proposes a framework that could be used to help design teams map and reflect about their interactions at early project stage

Innovative Design Lab

BCRL Workshop

Under the Researcher Links scheme offered within the Newton Fund, IDL held a workshop on the theme of 'managing complex social housing urban redevelopment through improved project management and value generation' in Porto Alegre, Brazil, from 16th of May to the 20th of May 2016.

To Your Home Limited

To Your Home Limited

The company would like to design an innovative sensor bin as well as the cast moulding so that the they can slowly move the production of their products from the design all the way to manufacturing to the UK.

Healthy Step

Healthy Step

Design and Development of Alternative Vectorthotic Insole: Technical Report

Construction Project Management

IBS in Malaysian Construction Projects

This proposed mobility grant project aims to deliver structured support and training in performance measurement of the application of the Malaysian industrialised building system (IBS).

Waldeck Associates Ltd

KTP partnership with Waldeck Associates Ltd

The project will develop practical solutions to capture progressive on-site data to enable the comparison during construction of an asset as-built position against the retrospective 3D BIM design model using Unmanned Aerial Vehicles and ground based 3D scanning facilities.

Healing built environment

Healing built environment (HBE)

Studies have shown that healing built environmental (HBE) factors (thermal, visual, acoustic, air quality etc.) affect the patients’ comfort, health and wellbeing.

Continuous Improvement Cells

Benefits of Continuous Improvement Cells

Benefits of Continuous Improvement (CI) Cells is one of the research projects funded by Highways England (HE) as part of its research alliance with University of Huddersfield and a number of other academic institutions.

From Construction to Production

From Construction to Production

From Construction to Production is one of the research projects funded by Highways England (HE) as part of its research alliance with University of Huddersfield and a number of other academic institutions.



Solid Wall Innovative Insulation and Monitoring Processes using Lean Energy Efficient Retrofit