Animation: Stepping Out of Silence: Stalking, Support and Seeking Justice in Kirklees

The women of lived experience of stalking “influencers group” wanted to communicate the key findings from the interviews with women of lived experience of stalking in an accessible and visual form. Animation was seen as a medium which could protect identity, engage audiences and tell stories. The researchers obtained funding from the University of Huddersfield Impact Acceleration Account to work with Digital Panda to produce a short three minute animation. This is based on the stories of women who took part in research interviews. As the majority of women who took part had experienced domestic abuse, the focus of the animation is domestic abuse stalking. It reflects key findings on the impacts of stalking on victims/survivors; their varied experiences of policing; and the critical role of support services during crisis and recovery.

You can watch the animation by clicking here.

Other Resources

Stalking In Kirklees Project: June 2023 Update

Click here to read the flyer from our June 2023 project update

Stalking in Kirklees - Introductory Flyer

Click here to read the introductory flyer from our Stalking in Kirklees project

Stalking in Kirklees: Poster

Click here to view out poster 'Stalking in Kirklees: a participatory action research project 2022-2023'