Centre for Sustainable and Resilient Communities (CSRC)

Research and PhD opportunities

SRC's approach

The Centre draws on a range of methodologies but especially encourages and supports human centered methodologies, such as participatory appraisal, consultative approaches, focus groups and other qualitative methods. A key aim is to undertake research that has measurable practical impacts, informs policy makers and also maximises academic outputs.

The Centre fosters a supportive and inclusive research environment for university staff, students and other stakeholders. A regular series of seminars are held at which staff, research students and invited guests speak.  See Events for the latest dates.

PhD Opportunities

CSRC is particularly interested in PhD students interested in pursuing their studies in the following areas (see list below).  Please note, at the same time, we also welcome approaches on other topics that sit within CSRC’s brief.   Please get in touch if you would like to discuss something. Email csrc@hud.ac.uk  or phone (+)1484 471367.

Topics of particular interest include the following:

Social Enterprise

Sustainable Consumption and the Sharing Economy

Sustainability in relation to food systems

Corporate Social Responsibility