Research consultancy

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Quantitative Research Methods Training Unit Advisory Service

 The Quantitative Research Methods Training Unit (QRM-TU) offers statistical advice to external researchers, public bodies, and private companies on a commercial basis.

The training unit can provide help with:

External Consultancy and Collaboration

QRM-TU is interested in working with external partners in areas of mutual interest and can provide consultancy on statistical problems that relate to our specialist research interests as well as more generic challenges in designing studies or analysing data. It specializes in helping researchers in the social sciences, business, health sciences, education and epidemiology with all aspects of statistical analysis. 

If you are submitting a grant, QRM-TU can help you prepare a clear and logical data analysis section. The unit can also perform power analyses, as required by many agencies. Working together, you can be assured that the aims of the project are properly addressed by the methods and analyses.

A free initial consultation is offered in order to discuss how QRM-TU can help you. For more information or to discuss your needs in more detail please contact:
Dr Daniel Boduszek