The overall results of the project will include:

  • Recognition of the value of a PFM approach for in-situ conservation of wild coffee;
  • Strengthened capacity in communities and in government agencies for using a participatory approach to coffee biodiversity conservation;
  • Community based organizations established for PFM activities and in-situ conservation of the coffee genetic resources;
  • Participatory forest management (PFM) methods fine-tuned and applied for co-management of forest to ensure conservation of wild coffee biodiversity;
  • Livelihoods strengthened through improved market linkages, payments for environmental services and ecotourism;
  • Land management regimes for long-term sustainable use of forest and farm land;
  • Support for policy development linking PFM to biodiversity conservation in the region, federally and more widely in African forest situations.
  • This shows that the PFM approach is maintaining the forest and its wild coffee, but also helping reduce poverty in the forest fringe communities.

This approach, which empowers and trusts the local communities, is a new way of addressing the challenge of sustaining biodiversity conservation in the long term, without continuing projects or high levels of government funding for guards etc. By granting of clear forest rights and revenues to communities, PFM provides an economic motivation to match the responsibility of protecting the wild coffee.

Marketing Co-operatives established bc WCC-PFM

Name of co-operativeTotal MembersType of ProductKgPrice/kgRevenue (Ethiopean birr)
Forest Coffee Marketing Cooperative 78 Forrest Coffee 2135 114 243641
Amoragedel Wild Forest Product Marketing Cooperative 54 Wild Coffee/ Baboon Coffee

1788 (wild)

8 (baboon)

127 (wild)

200 (baboon)

229002 (wild)

1600 (baboon)

Mejenger Honey Producers Cooperative 45 Honey 760 45 34200


Number of forest management Groups and hectares secured by PFM agreements



Forest Management GroupsTotal Members

Hectares Coffee


Hectares Natural


Sheko 35 3734 13456.6 15316.05
North Bench 8 435 0 784.2
Yeki 5 902 0 786.02
Guraferda 8 706 2827 43356.19
Grand Total 55 5777 16283.17 60242.46